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Keep it simple and focused on one thing - calming your mind and letting it go blank without falling asleep.
Suggestions below.
Introspectionism is a term that encompasses serenity-seeking activities such as prayer and meditation. These have both been used by people throughout the ages to calm the mind and body.
The purpose is to calm the mind and stop thinking while remaining alert.
The difficult thing is to quiet the mind. The calming pursuit of it is the means to achieving it. Combined with some kind of exercise, this activity is extremely effective at calming the physiological manifestations of anxiety in the body. It is imperative to calm the body in order to calm the mind.
There are many resources for learning how to meditate. Do a tiny bit of research to get the basics of "how to do it" then start practicing whatever type of meditation you think will work for you.
The simplest way to start is to sit upright but comfortably and stare at a point on a blank wall. Stare at it and focus attention on your breath as it slowly goes in and out. The focus on the breath is simply to encourage the mind to NOT THINK OF OTHER STUFF for a second or two. Thoughts will constantly float by - let them. Eventually they will slow down until you are able to finally achieve the ability to quiet the mind at will and calm yourself when you need to.
As with most of these skills - it's like a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it.
Any kind of meditation can work - so no single school or method is recommended. Find the type of meditation that works and do it a little every day for life. This is one of the most important things a person can do to regulate and strengthen their minds.
Keep it simple and focused on one thing - calming your mind and letting it go blank without falling asleep.
HOW TO: Deep slow breathing while actively ignoring all thoughts and letting them float by without reacting.
Peaceful prayer falls in this category, too.
These are inner-directed activities that can be enormously beneficial to health.
Try relaxation backgrounds to help stay calm. Choose a video that soothes you and has no verbal or ideological content at all. Here's a free random example. Click play, maximize the screen and tune everything else out.
AnxietyLab prayer
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