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3-4-5 Program: 3 months of doing 4 activities a day, 5 days a week.
Part I:
1. Download the * Checklist and sample Schedule. Use them to plan your first week of activities. Get used to how the Loop works - click through it a few times to see where the core activites are.
* To use the materials for FREE - make your own checklist and schedule and download the free program materials for part I below.
2. Choose how you are going to do the journaling. With a diary? Computer? Notebook? And then choose a time when you'll do your writing every day. Within a few days or weeks, you should be writing your own personal affirmations.
3. Read the examples and start writing and saying affirmations and doing deep breathing and meditation every day for the next few weeks or months. Experiment with other activities. Use the sample schedule but also choose to do things you like, when you like. Write your own schedule if you want. Repeating positive affirmations is how to use neuroplasticity to change the brain's automatic responses.
Download Part I course materials below for free.
* Please note: the Schedule and Checklist are included with all materials as part of the paid 3-4-5 Program Course offered at $19 all inclusive.
Mix and match activities and experiment until you find the most effective set of tools for yourself.
The activities in the main 3-4-5 Program loop Part I are all freely accessible to anyone who reaches the site. People with milder forms of anxiety may find that to be enough to help them reach their goals.
For extreme anxiety, do the 3-4-5 Program loop Part I then also do activities in Part II (paid program).
If you have childhood trauma, do the activities in Part III (paid program)
Click the button below to start the first activity of Part I.
Click on the "Next Tool" buttons to stay in the 3-4-5 Program loop.
3-4-5 Program Materials below.
How to use Guided Personal Education to reduce anxiety and depression.
Do the 3-4-5 Program loop Part I, then also do activities in Part II.
If you have childhood trauma, do the activities in Part III.
Each person must monitor their own progress. Once you're familiar with the activity loop and are doing some activities every day, you can check into the site any time to check progress and get more ideas for stuff to do.
Do the 3-4-5 Program loop Part I, then also do activities in Part II.
If you have childhood trauma, do the activities in Part III.
Doing a combination of the Core Activities for an extended period has the potential to reduce anxiety and possibly improve focus, memory and energy level.
Results will vary among individuals.
Anxiety help available for those who prefer to go it alone.
Deep-breathing – self-explanatory. Easy and effective. Breathe slow and deep and calm. Some people keep it up for long periods.
Journaling– write down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. This will help you identify the things that trigger your anxiety. This plus metacognition begins the process of finding the source of your anxiety and eliminating it. Asking probing questions is the key. This helps with cognitive re-framing.
Journal writing is used with a therapist as well. Take the insights and questions you get from your writing and discuss them with your therapist.
Affirmations– sentences you write for yourself and read every day to guide thinking in a better way. A potentially significant element to change for those with acute anxiety or depression. Affirmation is the opposite of denial. Daily repetition of better thoughts should result in a process known as “self-directed neuroplasticity.” (Neuroplasticity refers to the malleable nature of the brain and its constant ongoing change.) Thinking positive can't change the outside world, but it can change the inner landscape for the better.
Metacognition- this just means thinking about your own thinking. (Also called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.) This is one of the keys to changing negative thinking. It also is a process that can enhance focus and concentration ("working memory"). This leads to cognitive reframing.
Introspection – usually in the form of prayer or meditation. Slowing down the mind’s chaos and quieting negative thoughts is difficult but worth the effort.
Movement– exercise, walking, dance, Tai chi, sports, playing with your kids. Anything that increases blood flow and expends energy if it’s safe and reasonable for you to do.
Creative expression – writing, drawing, movement, singing, dancing: create a new version of yourself. This is self-reinvention. Make yourself your own superhero. Intensely powerful and effective.
Art Therapy – writing, drawing, movement, singing, dancing: create a narrative of your life and your healing process. Immense clarity and healing can be gained through the creative process.
Media Diet – Greatly reduce intake of violent movies/TV shows, news, music or games with violent lyrics or imagery. Take a break from watching the news and going to certain internet sites for a while (news, commentary/controversy, violent games, sites that bring unwanted memories and comparisons, etc.).
Mourning / Grieving – have an official mourning period for whatever it is you lost (or need to lose). Healing will begin.
Reality-testing - a technique for comparing your assumptions and expectations to what is actually plausible and realistic given authentic evidence from the outside world.
Volunteer work - helping others feeds our confidence and emotional strength.
Many other types of therapies available. Click to see examples.
Heal. Grow. Contribute.
Anxiety help available to individuals from all backgrounds.
Sample 90-day Schedule
Blank 90-day Schedule (easy read version)
Method #1 Put worry on a schedule
Method #2 Reality Testing
Method #3 Target anxiety itself
Method #4 Call anxiety's bluff
Method #5 Cool Blue
Method #6 How to stop the worry habit
Power #1 Intention
Power #2 Motivation & Identity exercise
Muscle-Building activity 1 - Discomfort
Muscle-Building activity 2 - Quiet the Mind
Thinking Styles activity 1
Thinking Styles Quiz
Introduction to Childhood Trauma
Understanding Mental Hi-jacking (Flashbacks)
Understanding the Inner-Critic
Method #7 Boundaries
Method #8 Grieving and Retrieving
Method #9 Denial
Muscle-Building activity #3 - Flood the Zone
Self-Assessment (Objectives and Milestones)
See Courses page to purchase.
Download the Assessment form to check your progress.
Assessment 3-4-5 Program Course (pdf)
DownloadSafe, Effective, Free, Simple, Empowering, Portable, Individualized, no medications, no insurance needed.
Heal Grow Contribute